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Five Shopify Summer Editions '23 product updates recommended by Brancoy

Aug 17, 2023

Every six months, Shopify releases a Shopify Edition of the latest innovations, updated features and improvements it has made to the platform.

Each Shopify Editions communicates to merchants and Shopify partners about support and opportunities it can offer to support scaling businesses.

Summer Editions contained +100 product updates, so you can be even more productive, creative and efficient. Brancoy's Shopify specialists listed 5 effective and interesting updates for Shopify merchants.


Shopify released its own Bundles app, which integrates seamlessly with your store and includes real-time inventory sync to prevent overselling.

With bundles you can offer your customers more versatile product selections, discounts and increase the average value of orders. These new opportunities will help you increase your sales and offer your customers even more attractive and user-friendly options.

Theme editor update for Markets and B2B

If you use Shopify's Markets or B2B features, you can now edit content for different markets or B2B customers directly from the theme editor.

Until now, merchants have been able to translate text content for different markets in one store using the Translate & Adapt application. After the reform, merchants can modify contents and customer experience on a market-specific basis, thus offering market-specific offers and contents to different segments.

Shopify Subscriptions

One of the most effective ways to increase turnover and improve profitability is to create continuous and repeated orders for customers.

Shopify is launching its own Subscription application, which enables easy management of products and continuous orders directly through the Shopify Admin user interface. With the application, you can easily create a continuous order product, choose a delivery interval and make it available in your store.

Thanks to new customer accounts, your customers can flexibly manage order continuity, edit orders or update payment and delivery information directly from your online store.

This deployable app is completely free and available with all Shopify plans.

Shopify Flow available all Shopify plans

One of Brancoy's most used Shopify apps is Shopify Flow. Previously, the application was only available for Shopify plan, but after the update it is available for all Shopify plans.

Shopify Flow gives you the ability to build custom automations that help you make your business more efficient. Flow makes it easy to create business processes without coding, giving you more time to focus on growing your business.

You can connect Shopify Flow with different applications, so automations perform even more everyday processes for you. From automating warehouse tasks such as reordering and stocking to managing fraud issues, Flow can support almost any task you can imagine.

+100 product variants

Earlier, Shopify allowed merchants to create products with up to 100 different variants, but now Shopify has announced that they are raising the limit on what merchants had wished for. This means that brands will be able to offer even more complex product sets in the future without separate shop customization.

Other interested product updates

All in all, Shopify Summer Editions contained +100 product updates. With the growing importance of artificial intelligence in business, Shopify has created AI-based solutions to make everyday life easier for merchants and to create content with the help of its Shopify Sidekick and Magic products.

In addition to artificial intelligence, the Summer Edition contained great innovations for B2B trading (Shopify Plus), checkout customization (Shopify Plus) and many other functionalities.

We listed only 5 potential and implementable features. If you want to understand the Editions better, contact Brancoy's Shopify specialists so you can serve your customers even better in a multi-channel way.

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