Keittiöpöydän yllä riippuu valkoinen Innoluxin Smusso riippuvalaisin.

Innolux - Shopify theme update inspired continuous development in the online store

Innolux is a domestic lighting manufacturer and lighting expert. Innolux lamps represent timeless Scandinavian style, quality, and functionality. The designers of the lamps include some of Finland's most renowned designers. Innolux is known for three lamp collections: Innolux Heritage, Innolux Health, and Innolux Core. Innolux also offers a wide range of timeless design lamps suitable for public spaces, with top-notch lighting properties.

The customer experience of Innolux's online store underwent significant improvement by updating their Shopify theme from the old 1.0 version to the Shopify 2.0 version. The previous theme version limited visual customization of the site and made scaling difficult. With the new theme version, we sped up the site's performance and enabled visual customization without requiring profound coding skills.





Improving Speed and Visuals with Theme Update

For a visual brand like Innolux, it was particularly important in the new theme to showcase products better with images and product-specific videos, which is why we customized the product card especially to enable personalization. We built the new store on the Taiga theme, which met the client's needs in terms of speed, visuals, and user-friendliness. This update not only enhanced the website's performance but also opened doors to a more attractive and personalized user experience.

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Enhancing Customer Journey and Personalization for International Customers

As Innolux expands into international markets, we focused on improving the customer journey and increasing personalization, especially for international customers. The implementation of the Shopify Markets feature allowed for more market-specific pricing and campaigning, enabling a smoother shopping experience for international customers. This ensured that every customer experiences the Innolux brand in a unique way.

Continuous Development with the Best Tools in the Shopify Ecosystem

Although Innolux has been operating in the Shopify ecosystem for several years, continuous development of the store hasn't been part of everyday routines. The store's app stack included apps that we wanted to update to the most modern ones with the client. Our goal is to create a continuously evolving and agile growth environment for the client in the Shopify ecosystem to minimize unnecessary workflows and offer the best shopping experience to customers. With continuous development, Innolux can continue to benefit from the latest and greatest features of the Shopify platform, ensuring the continuous development and growth of their online store.

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